First powerlifting meet

A lot of things happened in 2017. This was one of them. The pinnacle of my fitness journey so far.

But I know the credit for this firstly goes to God, because I genuinely didn’t feel that great in the weeks leading up to it. My sleep was still interrupted at times, and I still felt constantly tired. So the fact that I hit 2 PRs for my deadlift and bench is cray-cray for me.

Subsequent credit goes to Coach Kelvin, who designed my training program and basically pushes me to lift more and rest less, since I like to take naps and talk talk talk at the gym. Coach Gee is next in line to thank, because if not for his crazy idea of me aiming for GPA record, I probably never would have thought to join. It started as a joke, and then afterwards every time I walked into gym he’d go, Wah don’t play play orh….world record holder just walked in. And after a while, I started believing that it was possible, so I thought, why not give it a go? Gee was also the one who woke up at 6am in Russia to help me register. He talks big, but really he’s such a softie.

So many from my fitfam competed that day too. It was good to cheer on Isabel, Zhan and Luke. Positive vibes everywhereee  And although it was all the way in Shah Alam which is super far for some people, they came to support and cheer us on. My fitfam is honestly da bomb.  *terharu*

The only downside for the comp was that the place was semi-outdoor, so unfortunately the heat was rather taxing. I drank so much water, which I proceeded to sweat out.

There was very little pressure as I only had one other competitor, who proceeded to clinch the GPA record for U44kg. She deserved it in every way….. I’m not like a couple of kg behind her, more like in the multiple tens hahaha. Essentially I was competing against myself-lah because she was in another league of her own.

Still, it was good fun. And I bought a suit at the end of it. Which only means one thing – more competitions in the future! 😛

If you wanna see my competition lifts, go here!