Growth mindset

One of the first things that struck me when I started work at NIST is how everyone has such a positive growth mindset. It’s really inspiring to be surrounded by people like that. And it sends such a great message to the kids: as educators, as human beings, we are still on a learning journey. You can never stop learning.

‘Oh, I already know that’ is something we say ourselves as adults when someone tells us something we think we know. But it’s also something kids say quite a lot in general (AND IT DRIVES ME NUTS) because they have heard or learnt it before. Having a growth mindset, however, calls for openness to new ideas and different perspectives. The same knowledge can present itself in different ways. Similarly, the same lessons can be delivered in different ways too.

There’s a Chinese proverb that goes like this: 一山还有一山高. It literally means there is always one mountain higher than the last.

For a time, I’ve been quite closed off to taking risks. But like my work mentor says, ‘I always tell the kids, every mistake is a learning opportunity.’ And it really made me think. Maybe I need to experiment more with new things. Maybe I need to take more risks.

As I rode on the back of a motorbike back home today, I was reflecting on the phrase ‘No regrets’. I’ve been hesitating to take risks for so long, because I didn’t want to live with the regret in case things go wrong. It really dawned on me that that is so far off from a growth mindset. With a growth mindset, regrets are part of the journey. Because no growth comes without its share of obstacles and mistakes.


I’m Tiny Tan

For the longest time, I blogged on livejournal. Somehow the interface is still so clunky and aesthetically, wordpress just looks so much better.

I do like boxes, and I do like labels, because it helps to simplify life and keep life organized. But somehow I have a hard time keeping things neat and tidy in boxes in real life and also in describing myself. Someone’s been telling me recently that I’m like a guy trapped in a girl’s body.

Functionally, no. But mentally and table manners-wise, maybe.

For example, I cannot multi-task. Don’t talk to me while I’m doing something – 99% doesn’t go in. I like to geek out on some comics and nerdy sci-fi stuff, but I’m not as crazy as I used to be already.

Besides teaching music, I like to dabble in a little of everything. DIY, cooking, powerlifting are my current pursuits. I wish there were more hours in the day. Or I could move faster because I do like to take my own sweet time moving around in slow-mo.

To new beginnings, new friends, new adventures, new experiences.

To family, old friends, familiar things.

To love, faith, hope, grace, peace.