Love came down


Sometimes the word is infused with the meaning of hope. Many times instead it gets twisted into a burden.

Foolish, self-inflicted expectation on myself and other people. And I try to protect myself by not having any expectations. Just so, you know, that I don’t burden myself or other people unnecessarily. Or to just not get disappointed.

Each time, You bring me back to this place. After I’ve fallen short of my own expectations. After I feel let down.

To put my hope and my trust in what is true, what is certain, what is unfailing.

Your love.

The Father’s love that led His Son to the cross. The Son’s love that gave His life for us.

Love came down and rescued me
Love came down and set me free
I am Yours
Lord I’m forever Yours
Mountains high or valley low
I sing out and remind my soul
I am Yours
I am forever Yours

Throwbacks and nostalgia

It can be dangerous for me to look back too often. Some memories are fuelled by nostalgia, and I distinctly remember that at the time, I did not enjoy myself as much as I somehow think I did (??!) Doesn’t even make sense to me, but oh well.

Well, because there’s been a lot of triggers that made my brain go haywire last week, I found myself thinking back to certain milestones in my life. Among the triggers were a sudden realisation I have to move out, various work-related things all coming together around the same time, having to review financial plans, looking for a new place and having problems with red eyes when I wake up in the mornings (dust mites perhaps?!). Especially because they are all hitting me at the same time, I just felt very helpless and defeatist. ‘I don’t know if I can do this, Lord…..AGAINNN…..’ Mostly I don’t trust myself to handle these challenges, because my track record has shown that I didn’t handle them well before.

But again, God reminded me of a couple of incidents of when oh man, I came face to face with how worthless I was, and also when the struggle was so great, and somehow, SOMEHOW we pulled through. By we, I mean God really holding His hand out to me while I crawled my demotivated, emaciated body over.

The first incident was when I had a vision during this song in worship:

Come to the Father, though your gift is small

Broken hearts, broken lives, He will take them all

And you know what, I brought in my hands the most beautiful cake ever with a candle, that represented the best of me that I could give. But the moment I stepped before the throne, the cake immediately rotted away and had worms coming out. I swear that I have not had such an encounter since then of the fear and shame of coming before a holy God. I was nothing. But God, in His mercy, reached over and pulled me up and instantly the cake was restored.

[Despite that revelation, it still took me years to really understand the gospel and that I cannot earn my salvation in any way, shape of form.]

The second incident was the Taiping years, or rather, the TFM years. Yesterday, I looked back at my instagram pictures, and it seemed like it was such a blast!! Yeah, we did so much crazy stuff and fun things and dreamed the impossible and did accomplish some majorly awesome results. I learnt so much, grew so much, and it’s true what they said during recruitment: once you have gone through those two years, nothing else will seem as daunting. I still hold that to be true in my experience. Those two years where I survived on 1.5 meals on an average school day, fluctuating between 4-8 hours of sleep and generally burnt myself out, were tough on me emotionally, mentally, financially and physically.

Now I have the benefit of hindsight, I really thank God that despite my being a terrible steward of resources at the time, He is enabling me to bounce back physically – slowly but surely. And while I was very bitter for a while after the break up, I can see now the Lord’s hand in bringing someone into my life then – someone whom I could lean on and reminded me to take breaks and could actually like take me away from my work.

So, amidst the inner furor and subsequent sleeplessness, I’m learning to rest. Hustle, yes, but simultaneously, trust and rest. Psalm 25:3-4 says:

The voice of the Lord is over the waters;
    the God of glory thunders,
    the Lord, over many waters.
The voice of the Lord is powerful;
    the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.

It jumped out at me today. Do I hear His voice over the waters? No matter the circumstances, if I do hear, what reason have I to be panicked or worried or stressed? This is not the first time we’ve walked through troubles.

Always, He is with me.

Always and forever.

New adventures!

This week was a week of constantly falling behind or not living up to my own (high) expectations. Every day, I told myself, alright new day, NEW mercies, NEW grace. But maybe all these attempts was done in my own strength, thinking that God IS with me hence everything will work out.

I kept failing. In the weeks since I’ve executed my 2018 resolutions, this may have been like the worst week so far. Forgot to take medicine – tick. Ditched the bedtime rituals – tick. Overslept and didn’t do devos – tick.  All the congratulatory pats on the back I gave myself last week – none this week. It was a pretty dejected me by Friday. I literally comforted myself with the thought of the weekend to reset myself.

Thankfully, God is always gracious. Honestly, if there is anything I have really taken comfort in in this week is that God loves me unconditionally. That His acceptance of me is not based on what I do, or didn’t do. Because I kept on failing over and over. I know deep down, that God is more ready to forgive me than I am to forgive myself.

But amidst my discouragement on the personal front, I was reminded of how much my health has improved. (YES I CAN EAT SOME SPICY NOW. AND MY POOP LOOKS MORE SOLID. Ok sorry too much information :P) Anyway, Larry (the cough) doesn’t even bug me much at school these days. Out of my 5 days at work, he hardly turned up at all. When he did turn up, it was mainly yesterday. Yeah he was a bit awful yesterday but I lived.

Then this morning, I decided to check my Master’s application status online because I got an email from the university wanting to mail me something. Sounds like they probably want me right…. so I checked and OH MY FLIPPING WORD, this jumped off my mobile screen at me:Screen Shot 2561-01-28 at 7.46.05 PMI screamed. I had to. Thank goodness I was alone in the gym.

This application was way more intense than anything I had to do for undergraduate applications through UCAS. And one of the reasons I even ended up looking for jobs overseas was so that I could be hired as an expat to fund my Master’s studies because, no, I don’t want to take a loan and no, I also don’t want my parents to sponsor my studies any more. They already put me through 4.5 years of living in the UK doing my A-levels and undergrad. Their ROI as it is, don’t know when it can ever be recouped. (Thank you so much, Mum and Dad.)

I feel like the most fortunate girl in the world right now. (No, you don’t need a man to feel like that.) But there is such a satisfaction and an appreciation for my acceptance, because I’ve put in so much for this application to happen. From getting letters of recommendations, to doing youtube recordings of myself playing the piano and even singing, to contacting alma maters for transcripts, and even the essay I had to write, it was really a lot. I did want to give up many many many times.

Lord, You know I needed this good news this week. Wait…I just realized I found out only after I surrendered the outcome to God. Like the state of being resigned and will be ok no matter what the reply is. I guess God wanted me to come to that place first.

Like Mummy shared this verse with me today from Isaiah 55:

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.

All I can say is, amen. I never wanted to do a Master’s and for the longest time I detested the idea of resuming studies, but clearly God’s changed my heart. One should never say never.

Thank you Jesus, for this new adventure!!!


A perfect day with Him

It certainly wasn’t perfect because of the circumstances I was in. In fact, this morning began in a rough way, with heavy rain and thunders clashing. It was a day that i wanted to sleep in a few extra minutes.

But, reminded about the bible study yesterday where we talked about how we come to Jesus as little children do, and in my personal devotional how Chambers wrote about intimacy with Jesus, I crawled out of bed and pulled myself together. Enough to sober up, pour myself a drink and just start talking to Jesus – out loud, as I would talk to any person.

See, the thing is, when I talk to God in my thoughts, there is a filter for some reason. Why should that filter be there? That’s what someone asked yesterday. And it stuck with me.

Why am I making things so complicated? Why not just say whatever is at the top of my head? To whom can I speak my mind, who knows my heart and thoughts so truly, even more than I know myself?

16 But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. 17 Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

2018 is a year I want to ‘adult’ better, yet become more like a child in trusting Jesus and being with Him. I want to run into Jesus’ arms and tell Him everything that happened from beginning to the end. I want to call God Father, and also speak to Him as a friend would. I want Him to know what’s in my heart, and I want to know what’s in God’s heart too. I want to stretch out my arms to Him, and also be His hands and feet to the people around me.

Greedy, no? But little children have no shame in asking whatever they want. And I’m going to be shameless and ask God for all this. Whether or not He gives it, that’s up to Him.

A word for 2018

The word for 2018 is           MULTIPLY

2018 will be a year of multiplication. To my physical family, and to my spiritual family in GCB.

I think that word has been slowly simmering at the bottom of my heart for a while. A double increase, or maybe even triple. But the impression of the word came very clear to me at HTBB’s Christmas service.

My first reaction was like WOW, that is already coming true in ways I did not expect. Second reaction was one of doubt/fear/worry. Like, how am I gonna deal with this increase? How are WE gonna deal with this multiplying?

But the Holy Spirit straightaway replied,

“Do not fear the increase. Do not worry. I will carry you through.”

Inside, I’m still like YEAAAAaaaaahhhhhh…… and shrinking a little. God, help my unbelief!